Customer Name : Sainik School, Andhra Pradesh

About Customer

Sainik School Kalikri is the 25th school established and the 2nd of its kind in Andhra Pradesh. At present admission is offered to Class VI only. This is a fully residential school for boys only. The School is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education. A Local Board of Administration oversees the overall administration of the School and ensures implementation of policies laid down by the Board of Governors from time to time. General Officer Commanding, Telangana & Andhra Sub Area, Secunderabad is the Chairman of the Local Board of Administration of the School.


Products Installed

Bose - PM8500 N & PM4250 N Amplifiers

Bose - Panaray 502 B, Panaray 802, Panaray 310M, DS 100SE Speakers

Sennheiser - MEG14-40, EW 135, EW 122, E 845S Microphones

Hitachi - WU9100 (7700 ANSI lumens WUXGA projector)

Shresta - 40 feet x 13 feet Custom Screen

Marantz - AV 7702 ( 7.2 AV Receiver)

Anutone - Acoustic Materials


Products USP

Bose PM8500 N & PM4250 N are digital power amp which has a inbuilt digital signal processing with power match feasibilities any Bose speaker which connects to this two amps will get tuned as per the speaker parameters. Sennheiser all microphones are providing professional quality sounds which are used for all types singing reality shows speech applications etc



This Auditorium was established before few years back and entire auditorium ceiling made with metal trust without any waking Ramp, even fully closed with gypsum sheet. So hanging speaker from ceiling was a big challenge but finally we overcome all the challenges and successfully handover with full customer satisfaction.



“We found AWAN to be a reliable solution provider for our AV requirements to designing and delivery was smoothly managed. The entire team needs to be appreciated for their experience and teamwork.”